Chapel of Madonna della Neve
Chapel of Madonna della Neve , Strada Statale 28 , 12080 San Michele Mondovì (CN) Italy
The small chapel of the Madonna della Neve (or Madonna della Piana) is located in San Michele Mondovì,
on the left side of the state road from Mondovì it leads to Ceva (in the "Piana della Gatta").
It is a small building with a simple space, almost square, with a cross vault, preceded by an atrium of a later period.
The roof is gabled, and in the front part it protrudes almost "dangerously" on the road.
Above the roof rises a small bell tower.
It was built by the nobleman Giustino di Monforte who had it frescoed in 1403 (you could read it on the side of the altar).
The frescoes can be dated around the middle of the fifteenth century (1472), according to Raineri could be attributed to the hand of Antonio da Monteregale.
These frescoes are a faithful reproduction, with some simplification, of the cycle of San Fiorenzo at Bastia Mondovì
they could also be done in part by the painters themselves.
On the wall behind the altar the frescoes depict a Crucifixion with several depicted characters:
Magdalene, St. John, some groups of women, and disciples, soldiers and knights.
A devil welcomes the soul of the bad thief and an angel welcomes the soul of the good.
Other angels collect in chalices the blood that comes out of the side and hands of Christ.
In the vault above the altar the Christ Pantocrator in almond, to the right the Christ in the Garden, to the left
the Resurrection and the descent to Limbo.
On the left wall there è the representation of Hell and the ride of the Vices, which depicts the seven Deadly Vices and a great
Lucifer nailing Judas with big nails.
On the right wall is painted the Heavenly Jerusalem with the ranks of the souls of the elect who assist
at the coronation of Mary, who is depicted kneeling on a throne and dressed in red.
Around it there are turreted walls and the representation of the Works of Mercy.
On the entrance arch in Gothic niches are depicted St. Francis of Assisi, St. Anthony of Padua,
Saint Lucia, Saint Thomas Aquinas; in the niches and corners there are other saints.
It should be noted that although the name of the Chapel is dedicated to the Madonna, there is no depiction
of the Madonna and Child.
As we said, the paintings are very similar to the frescoes of San Fiorenzo in Bastia (CN),
in some cases it seems that the same cartons have been used;
perhaps they were probably made by the same artists who were working in the area at the time.
(*) San Michele website Municipality
(*) Camminare nella Storia
(*) Associazione culturale San Sebastiano
Chapel of Madonna della Neve
Strada Statale 28
12080 San Michele Mondovì
(CN) Italy